General Terms and Conditions of Sale
GLRP’s Terms to Govern:
Except to the extent Glacial Lakes Rubber & Plastics LLC (“GLRP”) otherwise expressly agrees in writing, these general terms and conditions are applicable to, and are an integral part of, every contract, quotation, or proposal regarding any product of GLRP. Any additional, conflicting or different provisions of buyer’s proposal, purchase order, or any other oral or written communication are hereby objected to and superseded by these terms and conditions.
Terms of payment on all orders are subject to approval of GLRP’s credit department and, unless otherwise stated, are net thirty (30) days from the date of invoice, without regard to the date of delivery of products. All delinquent sums due will be subject to interest on the amount due at the annual rate of eighteen (18) percent from the due date until paid. GLRP reserves the right to require payment in advance or COD whenever, for any reason, doubt as to the customer’s financial condition develops and GLRP shall not, in such event, be liable for non-performance of this contract in whole or in part. Upon failure to pay, GLRP may, at its option, and without prejudice to any other remedies, suspend further shipments and deliveries to buyer.
All duties, sales, use, excise, or similar taxes or charges applicable to the sale or use of any product or the furnishing of any services shall be the buyer’s responsibility, and buyer shall indemnify GLRP against any liability thereunder.
GLRP warrants that the goods sold shall be produced in accordance with customer’s applicable drawings and/or specifications which have been submitted to and approved by GLRP. This warranty is exclusive to the GLRP direct customer and does not extend to any third party or end user unless otherwise required by applicable laws. In the event that any product does not meet specifications identified above, GLRP will, at its sole option, either make a refund of the purchase price or replace the non-conforming product if said product is returned to GLRP. Customer has 10 days from date of receipt to inspect product and give notice of any discrepancies. No notice within 10 days of receipt will constitute acceptance of parts as shipped.
All orders are shipped FOB Watertown, SD unless otherwise specified in the written quotation or purchase order and accepted by GLRP. GLRP shall have no liability on account of any delay or failure to manufacture, ship, or deliver product due to fire, flood, act of God, accident, war, inadequate transportation, or any other cause beyond GLRP’s control.
Cancellation and Delivery:
Accepted orders may only be cancelled by customer in writing to GLRP at least thirty (30) days prior to shipping, or prior to order being started. In the event that an order must be cancelled, customer shall pay GLRP for work completed, at unit price, and any perishable raw materials that are purchased and held by GLRP for the sole and exclusive purpose of making customer’s goods.